spring cleaning | keep it social

Social, according to Merriam-Webster: 1: involving allies or confederates 2: marked by or passed in pleasant companionship with friends or associates 3: of or relating to human society, the interaction…

spring cleaning | what’s getting in?

This week’s Spring Cleaning episode is all about filtering what gets in through our five senses. Especially through our eyes. Some of my favorite emojis are the little see /…

soul care, self-care, social media

I’ve struggled with the term “self-care” for a long time—it’s why I started to use the phrase “soul care” a few years ago, and so I greatly  appreciated Angelica Puzio’s…

time to detox?

Hello? Is anybody there? Or is everyone still doomscrolling, sucked into the vortex of news and social media after the past two weeks? Perhaps it’s time to detox. For the…

massive decluttering + mindful downsizing

Early in our marriage, my husband and I moved 5 times in 10 years: from Colorado to Vermont (just for a summer), from Vermont to Illinois (Chicago, for 10 years),…

Greatest hits | My cat got eaten by a coyote

You know what’s really cool (and somewhat creepy) about the online world? The fact that I can get all manner of statistics about my blog, the emails I send for…

That’s a wrap!

As we head into the 4th of July holidays, we’re wrapping up our first anniversary festivities in the (Sorta) Secret Sisterhood clubhouse, and I wanted to say, “Thank you for…

Oooh! Aaah! Fabulous prizes!

In scrolling through my calendar recently, I came across a few dates of note: May 2 is the 4th anniversary of when I officially established my practice although it’s been…

My cat got eaten by a coyote…

As a “wellpreneur” who works with clients online and by phone/Skype as well as in person, I spend a fair amount of time marketing my services online, mostly through my…