massive decluttering + mindful downsizing

Early in our marriage, my husband and I moved 5 times in 10 years: from Colorado to Vermont (just for a summer), from Vermont to Illinois (Chicago, for 10 years),…

Coffee? Wine? Liver?

What do wine and coffee have in common? Yes, yes, I know: they both come from a fruit, both involve fermentation—no, sorry, I don’t think you can count them as…

say hello!

Tell us who you are, where you live, when’s your birthday (so we can give you a shout-out!) and anything else you’d like us to know about you! If you…

Gratitude … and recognition and appreciation

Every month in The (Sorta) Secret Sisterhood, we feature a Q+A with an expert—usually a woman who serves women 40+ through some type of healing modality, from conventional medicine to…

That’s a wrap!

As we head into the 4th of July holidays, we’re wrapping up our first anniversary festivities in the (Sorta) Secret Sisterhood clubhouse, and I wanted to say, “Thank you for…

Meet Diane Babalas

Diane Babalas practices something called Biogeometric integration—like acupuncture, another “dark magic” that will make you wonder how it really works … and it does! Check it out, then leave me…

Let’s get this party started!

How is it already May 31?!? That means tomorrow is the start of our month-long anniversary celebration of community! (Catch up on the details of that if you missed them…

Oooh! Aaah! Fabulous prizes!

In scrolling through my calendar recently, I came across a few dates of note: May 2 is the 4th anniversary of when I officially established my practice although it’s been…

What’s in a name?

Have you ever changed your name? My friend Audrey, a business coach for women entrepreneurs, has a podcast called Women Are the Journey, on which she talks to women about…

When the POTUS is late for dinner

A quick shout-out to those who filled out my Tell me about yourself survey—I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to help me out—and a request…

Survey says…

My brain and I are on vacation this week, so instead of struggling to come up with a new post, I’ve decided it’s your turn! I’m always interested in providing…

The struggle is real

This month, I’m taking a look in the rearview mirror at 2018 and a peek ahead at the road ahead in 2019. I invite you to hop in and take…

Green lights, stop signs, and speed bumps

My son is learning how to drive (yay? yikes? jury’s still out but leaning towards yay), and something that we’ve been commenting on is that he seems to have a…

Making space for the invited inevitable

  Make space in your life for the inevitable arrival of what you want. ~Danielle LaPorte If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that in addition to…

Is self care really the answer?

“Self care” has become a real buzzword in the past decade—and it can include anything from an hour (or a day) at the spa to meditating to practicing yoga to…

Who are you comparing yourself to?

I recently walked the Dexter Ann Arbor 5K in 40:49 (beating last year’s 52:12 by a long shot despite the pouring rain)—I had meant to run this year, but some…

Are you in the (Sorta) Secret Sisterhood?

Let’s take a look at the business side of health coaching for a minute. As a business owner, I spend a fair amount of time networking, and in networking groups—as…

Whine + cheese | What’s the payoff?

Very often, when I encounter a deeply-entrenched, clearly unhealthy habit in a client, I get curious about the payoff: every habit, according to research in this area, brings with it…